Are you over the limit?

The drink drive limit - Our guide to driving and alcohol

Stay safe, don’t drink and drive.

Alcohol can have a serious effect on your driving

  • Reduced co-ordination
  • Slower reaction times
  • Altered vision
  • Misjudging speed and distances
  • Feelings of drowsiness
  • Increased likelihood of taking risks

What are the drink drive limits?

 The UK legal alcohol limit is:

  • 80 milligrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
  • 35 microgrammes per 100 millilitres of breath
  • 107 milligrammes per 100 millilitres of urine


These figures can’t tell you when it is safe to drive after drinking, because we all metabolise alcohol differently. The best thing to do is not drink at all.

What about the morning after?

Even if you feel fine, you might still be over the limit. On average a healthy liver metabolises one unit of alcohol in one hour – but again, this varies from person to person. Ask yourself how much you had to drink last night. And if in doubt, leave the car at home.

How can I sober up quickly?

Despite the myths, there are no quick ways to sober up. Coffee and cold showers will not remove alcohol from your blood stream.

There are serious penalties if you get caught

A drink driving conviction could get a fine and a minimum 12-month ban – plus a permanent criminal record.

Stay safe with a sober night

If you’re drinking, don’t take your car keys with you. Hop on public transport and get a friend or parent to pick you up – or go out with a sober designated driver. If you’re behind the wheel, stay off the booze and enjoy an alcohol-free beer or mocktail.